400,00 €
Vrsta izobraževanja
Skupinski tečajTečaj Myofascial release Part 2
Datum: 21. in 22. september 2020
Kraj in lokacija: Lokacija bo znana naknadno
- Cena: 360 EUR * Zgodnja prijava (cena velja za vplačila do 20. Februar 2020)
- Cena: 380 EUR ** Zgodnja prijava (cena velja od 21.2. -15.6.2020)
- CENA: 400 EUR *** Cena velja od 16.6.2020 dalje
Organizator: Nolas d.o.o., Tomšičeva 16, 4000 Kranj
Potek tečaja:
- Sobota: 9:30 -17:00
- Nedelja: 9:00-16:30
S seboj prinesite športna oblačila, brisačo in po možnosti copate. Tečaj bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.
**Podrobnejši program za oba dneva še sledi.
Part 2. Fascia Approaches to Balance the Pelvis and Cranial System – treating both ends of the spine.
By understanding the imbalances in the pelvis, how to correctly assess and treat them, everything above and below will begin to fall into place.
Part 2 takes the understanding, knowledge and application of myofascial release learned in level 1 into creating structural change which is both measurable and functional.
Techniques and learning outcomes:
- review and refine existing fascial techniques from level 1 in order to integrate them with newly learned approaches
- develop a greater understanding of pelvic assessment including leg length discrepancies, anterior and posterior pelvic tilts, up slips, down slips and lateral shifts of the pelvis.
- soft tissue release for the anterior hip
- soft tissue release for the erector spinae group in standing
- assessment of the pelvis and the use of pelvic positioning wedges to create balance and symmetry
- explore the movement and function of the craniosacral system and its relationship to the pelvis
- fascial techniques to balance the sphenoid, occiput and falx cerebri- the other end of the spine
- neurofascial release techniques – combining subtle isometric and isotonic movements with fascial release approaches for the pelvis
- fascial approaches to balance the pelvis in standing
- learn the integration of specific muscle energy techniques with fascial release techniques for the pelvic area
- learn the importance of fascial compression and decompression techniques.
A CPD certificate of attendance will be emailed to all students after the workshop.
Tečaj bo potekal v angleškem jeziku!
POZOR: Število mest je omejeno!!!!
Organizator: Nolas d.o.o., Tomšičeva 16, 4000 Kranj
Za prijavo in dodatne informacije nam lahko pošljete e-mail na naslov: nolas@siol.net,
Ali nas pokličete na telefon: 051 604 207 (Uroš Popovič)
Organizator seminarja: Nolas d.o.o., Kranj
Številka TRR pri SKB: SI56 03134-1000408807; SKLIC: ševilka predračuna
WIFT(BIC koda banke): SKBASI2X